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Par Delewoolley le 22/07/2010

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Par DaycleDet le 22/03/2010


Par TelmSlomi le 20/03/2010


Discussions on global warming are most often disregarded as too scientific - but, an earthquake shaking an entire country into disaster cannot be another disregarded statistic. We're talking about people, just like you and me.

[b]Please offer financial or volunteer assistance to Chile and Haiti[/b]

Par DaycleDet le 18/03/2010


Par anderson le 13/03/2010

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Par BeskFeets le 30/01/2010


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Par SkandSoks le 14/01/2010

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Par SkandSoks le 05/01/2010

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Par Steseeate le 25/12/2009

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Par Steseeate le 24/12/2009

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Par evoneetifteni le 21/12/2009

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